Club Asteria is the First Real online business . The revenue generated here is Real and this is NOT A PONZI Scheme, and runned by extremely qualified Andrea Lucas who has more than 30 years of business experience.
How revenue is generated for Club-Asteria?
When you join and log in to CA back office, you can see lots of products in the back office, like Exclusive tools, business tools, success tools, training, coaching, opportunities, travel, shopping mall, remittances. The revenue generated from the sales using the above products is shared by all members. You all must see this VIDEO to understand how CA works CLICK HERE
When you join and log in to CA back office, you can see lots of products in the back office, like Exclusive tools, business tools, success tools, training, coaching, opportunities, travel, shopping mall, remittances. The revenue generated from the sales using the above products is shared by all members. You all must see this VIDEO to understand how CA works CLICK HERE
What are Asterios?
Asterios are nothing but points which represents your money the more asterios we have more we have, the more we can earn from weekly commission run.
Asterios are nothing but points which represents your money the more asterios we have more we have, the more we can earn from weekly commission run.
How can we earn from Club-Asteria being 100% passive?
Let's say you go for gold membership for $19,95 a month and decides to be 100% passive, and remain with CA for 2 years, we can show you how you can earn more than $300-$400 per week (more details on chart).
Most of us have joined many different busines opportunities ranging from $300 - $500 and many times we don't make a dime. But here you start with $19,95 a month and every month you get 20 asterios and every week what ever profit you make 80% is reinvested back and 20% in account balance for you to withdraw.
This way on 19th month you shall start making $300-$400 per week
Calculate ur earnings

e.g: If you have 10 Gold referral, you will get $100 per month besides weekly commission run every week.
CLICK HERE to calculate your earnings